The Gift of Goodbye

The Gift of Goodbye

It has taken me all of my life to appreciate the gift of walking away. As challenging and heartbreaking as a farewell may feel, I have come to respect that separations, endings and the changing of times are necessary for growth. The sting of rejection burns fiercely at first but the lesson when the fire subsides is gold. I have learned valuable lessons from everyone who’s time comes to an end in my life. At times the goodbye is involuntary. Life changes. People at times walk away. I have also matured to know when it is time to leave. However the end comes it serves us well to walk away in peace and at peace. Relationships dissolve and situations expire. I am so grateful high school is over. As fun as college was it was refreshing to walk away. Much in life has a beginning and everything comes to an end. The sooner we embrace that end we can flourish in our new beginning.

My husband use to tease me that I was the triangle puzzle piece constantly trying to fit comfortably into the square spot. If you look past the silly childlike imagery. The truth in the message is powerful. Every situation is not for always. Some should have never been. I have worked jobs where I woke up with dred and tolerated life till the weekend. I have at the same time been in positions that felt like a dream. I arrived early and stayed at work late. Everything in life will not be “magic”. Everything will not set a spark or be a perfect fit. If you understand it is not a perfect fit to begin with I believe it will help how you approach the situation, obligation or relationship. Allow it to serve its time and let go. Life ought not be endured but enjoyed. If it does not work and you can. Let. It. Go! In school I was friends with people just because of proximity. At this stage of life it is more about where I am going than where I am.

Every end has offered me the gift of reflection and self awareness. There is nothing like a friend turning their back on you or you knowing a friendship has run its course to force a meaningful look within. What a gift endings present if we will lean into the discomfort. I use to try and make things work that were not meant to continue. I am so much more at peace and life is more fulfilling by embracing the gift of goodbye.

Feminine and Fierce

Feminine and Fierce

By Design

By Design