Says who?

Says who?

The messenger often times is more important than the message itself. When I send one child with a message to share with the other I will preface my message to him or her with mommy said. If a sibling tells another sibling to clean up that does not carry a lot of weight. When I send a message to clean up it is a call for action. I would expect my child to doubt or even dispute the words coming out of the mouth of another child. Yet when an adult, not just any adult but the one who gave you life and continues to nurture you daily calls you to action, you move.


Remember the elementary school playground. Goodness, so much of who we are to become is at work on the playground. As the youngest of five I had to find my voice in my home and playground sure gave me opportunity to put that voice on display. Do you remember how kids would taunt and tease on the playground? I remember most kids would walk away after a bully would hurl a mean spirited attack. However, every now and then a child would rise up who was bold enough to challenge and question the bully. Bullies in childhood are not the most crafty. They yell something like “you’re ugly”. The daring child would question “says who”? May I suggest that some of us are still entertaining the taunts of bullies. Some of us have convinced ourselves their opinions are truth. If we are honest some of us have not only believed the lies but we are living them out. You know “you’re not smart” or “you’re not pretty” ooh or this one gets to me “YOU can’t do THAT” ugh excuse me! Says who?!


Now tell me, who gets to decide? Much like with my children the message only carries as much weight as the messenger. Will my children believe the words of another child with questionable motives and a flawed perception of them. Will my children embrace a message from their nurturing, loving mother who not only gave them life but continues to prove my reliability. I hope they choose the latter. As a matter of fact I hope we all choose the latter. We have a designer, one who crafted and molded us to perfection. He knows us. He says we are loved, forgiven, accepted, free and were created for good work. That messenger is trustworthy and true. That is the message that matters.

I don’t know what bully is still playing in your mind like a broken record. Maybe it’s a former boss, parent, teacher or an old boyfriend. You are not only worth something but honey your are worth everything. There is good work out there you specifically were designed to do. Speak back to your bully. Ask… says who? Believe your designer.

Tamara’s tangible tips:

  1. consider a lie that’s been playing in your head. Write it down. Cross it out in red ink and replace it with truth.

2. put a reminder in your phone that reminds you of that truth whenever you need it throughout your day.

Actionable Advice: you know that thing your bully said you would never do, Go out and do it!

Reach & Rise

Reach & Rise

It is well

It is well