

Female, Haitian American, youngest of five, brown eyes, curly hair, passionate and equally compassionate, these are a few words to describe me. Some are boxes checked off on paper. They identify me. Some are the fabric of my soul. My personality. I did not choose any of these traits. I was not consulted about when I would be born, where I would be born or how I would be born. I was just born. At the particular time, in my distinct family to a time and space and race none of which I chose. I believe I am a unique design. Crafted by a skillful designer. I believe every detail from the color of my hair to the cadence of my voice bears meaning. My belief is all of these details come together as a beautiful tapestry. I have been given tools. I desire to learn how to best utilize what is in my tool belt and create a powerful purposeful life that honors the creator, serves mankind and leaves this place a little different because I was here.


I spent years wrestling with the details of my makeup. I am not sure when or how exactly it came to be but at some point I surrendered. I retreated to some quiet. Shut down the noise. The voices of others, the voice of my pride or lack of esteem. I assessed my current state. I contemplated my desired destination. I evaluated what I wanted to do and what felt natural to my being. What woke me up in the middle of the night with sheer passion. What makes my heart skip a beat. I searched truth. I cut out the fat. Truth about myself became my daily intake and diet. The fatty food I use to inhale I avoided with tenacity. By fatty foods I mean every naysayer or well intended but uninformed opinion. I found my focus and zeroed in on my individual path. I am not really sure what the Jones are doing or what they have. I do not know how green your grass is, I am too busy tending to my own. I love my grass. Maybe that is the natural result of tending to all you are and all with which you have been entrusted .

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My race, birth date, birthplace, gifts and talents were not mine to choose. However, I do poses the privilege of being faithful with all of the details of my makeup. I am elated with all that I am. I love the skin I am in. I work on the skin I am in. I am aware of my weaknesses and flaws. Trust me, I am painfully aware. I work on those as well. I understand I have been gifted with this precious life. I know when it started. Only God knows when it will end. In the dash. you know the dash on the tombstone from birth date till the year of death. I will use all I have been gifted. My background, my ethnicity, my gender, gifts and talents, personality even my failures to fully engage in the work of the tapestry that is me.

Dress: Vintage

Bag: Vintage

Shoes: Franco Sorto

Holiday Wardrobe

Holiday Wardrobe

Work it

Work it